We Need Your Help


Greetings all,

Please can you take the time to fill in the survey the link below. It should take approx. 10mins to complete. Please return by

We would really appreciate your help in getting this survey out into the community.

Hands 4 Unity, a local group in Drogheda, was formed in 2019.  They aim to promote integration between the migrant community and Irish community.  As we enjoy reconnecting with family and friends COVID 19 spare a thought for those whose families live outside Ireland. Many Hands 4 Unity members work in the health sector and we are indebted to them and their colleagues for their commitment to keep services open and safe for the sick and vulnerable in our community.

During COVID 19 lockdowns Hands 4 Unity members met virtually and reached out to families in Ireland and abroad.  For the last few months they have participated in a training programme delivered by Innovating Communities and funded by Louth LEADER Partnership. The aim of the training programme is to adopt innovative methods to solve social problems.

This survey is conducted by Hands4Unity*, a local community group based in Drogheda, Louth, in partnership with Louth LEADER Partnership and Innovating Communities. The aim of this survey is to understand the lived experience of integration of the migrant community, and the first-generation, into Irish society.  We had a great response from health sector workers and would like to reach out to other sectors of society, particularly marginalised individuals and communities.

We are trying to understand the lived experience from the perspective of migrants, their children and the Irish community. We really appreciate your help.

Click Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VTT296M

The findings of the survey will be shared with participants and broad range of stakeholders.

Many thanks,


Nóirín Coghlan

Community Development Officer

Louth LEADER Partnership CLG

( +353-087 3472643

( +353-0419842088 (Reception)

*   noirin.coghlan@cllp.ie

ü  www.louthleaderpartnership.ie

Company Reg No: 450158: CHY No: 17993: Registered Charity No: 20068127

Directors: Mr. Frank O’Brien (Chairperson), Mr. Benny Devlin, Mr. Kevin Mulgrew, Mr. John Roche, Mr. Harry McCarthy, Ms. Martina Ralph, Mr. Finnan McCoy, Ms Eileen Lynch, Mr Hugh Rooney, Ms. Colette Moss, Mr. David Larkin, Ms. Emma Coffey, Ms. Caroline Flanagan:

Company Secretary Mr.Ciarán Reid

Company Registered in the Republic of Ireland: Partnership Court, Park Street, Dundalk, Co Louth. EIR CODE: A91V2KF

Posted in St. Joseph's News.