Sports Activity Week

Sports Activity Week!

Around this time of year we look forward to our annual Sports Day.

Sadly we wont get to experience a Sports Day in the traditional sense this year.

This week you will be given various sporting activities that you can compete in from home in your own garden or in the park, timed or against family members.

We start the week with an Opening Ceremony.

There will be a Race Day, an Obstacle Course day and a Scavenger Hunt Day

You may have your own ideas of how the activities can be improved, if this is the case we want you to use your creativity to change them but most of all we want you to enjoy them.



Opening Ceremony

Just like the opening ceremony at the Olympics except in your own garden.

  • Design and make your own flag/logo to display in your parade.
  • Plan an entrance parade including your favourite music to march or dance to.
  • Show off some skills or talents (Keepie Uppies, Cartwheels, Handstands etc..) as you parade around the garden.
  • Make it fun!!!
  • Send your photos/videos (with your parents’ permission) to your teacher.


Use this video as inspiration.

Olympic Opening Ceremonies – A Journey Through Time



Walk the Line

You will need:

  • Sticks, skipping ropes, tape, belts (anything you can make a line on the ground with!)
  • A stopwatch
  • A ‘Tester’ to record your time

How to play:

  • Arrange your ropes, sticks etc. in a line along the ground.
  • Don’t make it too easy; add some twists and turns!!
  • Try and make it from the start of the line to the end in the quickest time possible.

After some practice, why not try and make it a little harder –

  • Try and fully turn around in the middle without losing balance
  • Try it with your eyes closed.
  • Try it whilst balancing a book on your head.


The Sack Race

You Will Need

  • A sack or pillowcase.
  • A ‘Tester’ to shout “Ready, Steady and Go” and record time
  • A Stopwatch
  • 2 Cones or something to use as a marker.


How to Set Up and Record Your Result: place your 2 cones/markers 10 metres (or 20m if you have enough space).

Set your course on a grass area (in case you fall) The Tester will record your time.

Line up at the starting cone with both feet in the sack and holding the sack up about waist high.

When the Tester Shouts “Ready, Steady, Go”,  hop as quickly and far as possible to the second cone and turn carefully before returning to your starting point.


You can include your family members and set up a race against them.


Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

  • Standing one metre apart and facing each other.
  • Each pair begins by performing a rock-paper-scissors routine.
  • A rock is a closed fist, paper is a flat hand, and scissors are the index and middle fingers in a cutting position.
  • Paper always covers rock, rock breaks scissors, and scissors cut
  • To determine a winner, count to three and form a rock, paper, or scissors.
  • The winner then chases their partner toward their safety line, attempting to tag them before they are safe.





The Crab Walk Race

You Will Need

  • A ‘Tester’ to shout “Ready, Steady and Go” and record time
  • A Stopwatch
  • 2 Cones or something to use as a marker.

How to Set Up and Record Your Result: place your 2 cones/markers 10 metres (or 20m if you have enough space).

Set your course on a grass area or flat clear area (to protect your hands). The Tester will record your time.

Line up at the starting cone,

  • start by sitting down backwards with hands touching the starting line,
  • bend your knees and
  • lean back on your hands and straighten your arms
  • raise your hips and you’re ready.

When the Tester Shouts “Ready, Steady, Go”,  walk like a crab  as quickly as possible to the second cone and turn carefully before returning to your starting point.


You can include your family members and set up a race against them.


Knock ‘em Down Skittles

You will need:

  • 6 (or 10 if you can) Skittles OR empty bottles OR tins of beans OR empty cereal boxes
  • A ball

How to play

  • Arrange your skittles or bottles etc. in a triangle shape. This is your target!
  • Place a marker 10m away from the target.
  • You have 3 attempts to knock down all of the skittles.




The Egg and Spoon Race

You Will Need

  • An Egg (You can boil the egg to avoid any mess!)
  • A Tablespoon
  • A ‘Tester’ to shout “Ready, Steady and Go” and record time
  • A Stopwatch
  • 2 Cones or something to use as a marker.

How to Set Up and Record Your Result: place your 2 cones/markers 10 metres (m) apart on a flat, non-slip surface (or 20m if you have enough space). The Tester will record your time.

Line up at the starting cone with your egg balancing on your top of your spoon.

Hold the spoon at the end of the handle and the other hand behind your back. When the Tester Shouts “Ready, Steady, Go”, move as quickly as possible (walk or run) to the second cone and turn carefully before returning to your starting point.

If you drop your egg off your spoon, you must go back and Start again!


You can include your family members and set up a race against them.



Obstacle Course

This is your chance to be your own coach.  The final design is up to you!

Use anything you can think of.

Jump, crawl, hop, run, balance, swing, slide, dance, whatever you like.

We’ve suggested some possible course ideas below, but try to be as creative as possible and send your

a picture/video (with parents’ permission) of your course and you completing it.

Option 1 – Basic Course

Start à Balance à Bottle Flip à Crawl under blanket à Jumper

Step 1 – Balance: Balance a plastic cup on your head

Step 2 – You must bottle flip a ¼ full plastic bottle of water before you can move on

Step 3 – Crawl under a big blanket

Step 4 – Put on a Jumper and race to the finish

Option 2 – Fitness Course

Start à 20 Star Jumps à 15 Burpees à 10 Sit Ups à 5 Press Ups

Step 1 – Do 20 Star Jumps and run to next station

Step 2 – Do 15 Burpees and run to the next station

Step 3 – Do 10 Sit ups and run to the next station

Step 4 – Do 5 Press ups and run to the finish

Option 3 – Timed Circuit

(The winner will be whoever can complete the circuit in the quickest time)

Start à Bottle Flip à 10 sit ups à Plastic Cup Balance à 10 Burpees à Jumper and Shorts à Finish

Step 1 – Bottle Flip Challenge, once completed, run to next station

Step 2 – Complete 10 Sit Ups and hop one footed to next station

Step 3 – Balance Plastic cup on your head to the next station

Step 4 – Complete 10 Burpees and run to next station

Step 5 – Put a jumper and shorts on over your clothes and run to the finish (stop the clock!!)

Make it more challenging.

  • Do it in reverse.
  • Hop through the course.
  • Crab walk through the course.






Design a medal

Design your own Sports Day Medal.

  • What event is the medal for?
  • Is it for winning, taking part or good sportsmanship?

Use the template to help you

design a medal





Zoom Scavenger Hunt

Rules for Scavenger hunt on Zoom

  • All players must be touching their computer before each round begins. This makes for a fair playing field.  For example, if a player is standing far from the webcam, they could reach an item faster than the others. 
  • The host calls out the first item on the list and startsthe preset countdown.
  • The players must rush to find the item in their house and bring it to the webcam before the timer runs out.
  • Once the countdown ends, all players must come back to the starting position, irrespective of if they found the item or not.
  • The host then writes down the points won by each player, next to the item


Teacher Example.

We could change it to be sports orientated or teachers can come up with their own but I’m sure this one would be a bit of fun.

Virtual Scavenger Hunt Example

1. Find . . . . Something blue
2. Find . . . . a tea bag
3. Find  . . . . a clothes peg
4. Find . . . . a piece of fruit
5. Find . . . a coin
6. Find . . . . a battery
7. Find . . . . a spatula
8. Find a decorated pillow case
9. Find . . . . an object with four corners
10.          Find . . . . odd socks
11.          Find. . . .something frozen
12.          Find. . . .a winter hat
13.          Find . . . .a sandal
14.          Find . . . . something that begins with the letter H
15.          Find . . . . something that stretches.


Posted in St. Joseph's News.