Message from our Chaplain Fr Barry Matthews

To everyone in St Joseph’s,

I hope that you are well in these strange and difficult days.

As you can imagine we are finding things very strange here in St Peter’s Parish and we are missing our regular contact with parishioners and with families.

This time of the year is generally a busy time with excitement building for the celebrations of the Sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.  Archbishop Eamon wrote to us recently and has said that these special Sacramental celebrations are currently postponed until we have a significant lifting of the current restrictions.

I am aware of the stress that many families are under and the strain that being unable to contact loved ones, family members and friends is taking on us all – be assured that the current restrictions are to keep us safe and please God we will all be back in regular contact soon.

St Peter’s Parish continues to operate a schedule of Masses via our newly installed “Webcam” in each of the Churches (both St Peter’s and Our Lady of Lourdes) and both St Peter’s Church and Our Lady of Lourdes Church remain open for individual private prayer – many people are dropping in to light a candle during these day’s while out for exercise or while shopping.

The link for our webcam  can be found on our website at

The Armagh Archdiocesan prayer resource website – has a wonderful amount of resources both for those families preparing children for the Sacraments and for all families to use as an opportunity to pray together.

As we are entering into the month of May (Our Lady’s month) the school classroom’s would have a “May Altar” set up – I think these are wonderful displays that many of us remember from our youth. I am encouraging families this May to set up their Altar in a special place at home and together to pray for the loved ones they miss as well as those sick and the front-line staff in our hospitals and nursing homes.

Please continue to follow the Parish on facebook @StPetersParishDrogheda.

On behalf of myself, Canon Sweeney and the other Priests of the Parish I wish you and your family every blessing during these difficult times and I look forward to greeting you again in person.


Fr Barry

Fr Barry Matthews

School Chaplain


Posted in St. Joseph's News.