G5 solving the Moving Coin Puzzle. These moving coin puzzles were popularised by the great English puzzler Henry Dudeney. They can be played with coins, buttons, counters or any objects that make two distinct sets. The aim of this “E” puzzle (so-called because of its shape) is to reverse the positions of the Green and Red counters in the grid.


DF2128A3-EE0E-4329-8098-4215CB433ECC 35C783F3-A7DB-451B-8287-6DFD25070C72 D3191108-33CD-4301-A750-860F86E41592 60CFE98B-CD23-4B7D-A7D1-F986EB2A0A96 C9FD8F55-ADEC-4CA5-8DED-7C26209DCAC6


Posted in St. Joseph's News.