HSE Isolation quick guide for parents and guardians of children up to 13 years of age



Isolation quick guide for parents and guardians of children older than 3 months and up to 13 years of age V V2.9 24.11.2021


Signs of COVID-19 disease: • fever of 38.0⁰C or higher without another medical reason (such as chickenpox or a urine infection) OR

• new cough or difficulty breathing or worsening of an existing breathing problem, OR

• loss of sense of smell, change in sense of taste, or loss of sense of taste (if your child is able to say this) OR

• other minor breathing or chest problems in a child who has been in contact with an ill person, is part of an outbreak or is a contact of someone who has COVID-19

• Other symptoms associated with COVID-19 include fatigue, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, sore throat, headache, muscle/joint pain, skin rash, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, chills or dizziness.

Symptoms may present differently in different age groups and with different variants of the virus. Some symptoms may also be confused with common cold, hay-fever or flu.

If you have any new acute symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, self-isolate and contact your GP. However, if you or your child’s symptoms are very mild then stay at home, reassess after 48 hours and contact your GP for advice.

Self-isolation means staying indoors and completely avoiding contact with other people. This includes other people who live in the same house as your child, as much as possible. Self-isolation is for children who have had a test that shows they have COVID-19 and also for children who have some symptoms of COVID-19, but are still waiting for a test or test result.

Restricting movement – (stay at home). Restricting movement means avoiding contact with other people as much as possible. This includes not going to school, crèche or social activities. Restricting movement is for people who do not have signs of COVID-19 but who may be at higher risk of getting COVID-19 because they were exposed to a particular risk.

Please see gov.ie for the most up to date advice relating to travel.

Posted in St. Joseph's News.