Green Schools
Check out our Green Schools' blog posts here.
Green Schools is an international, environmental, education programme designed to promote and acknowledge whole schools’ action for the environment. Green Schools offers a well-defined, controllable way to take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day to day running of our school.
The Green School Programme has helped us to:
- Improve the school environment
- Reduce litter and waste
- Reduce fuel bills
- Reduce water usage
- Encourage the whole school community to walk, cycle or park and stride to school.
- Increase overall environmental awareness
- Become aware of biodiversity around us.
- Learn about and act upon global issues.
Participation in the Green Schools’ Programme offers us the chance to train our pupils to be environmentally conscious, a vital skill that will stay with them throughout their lives.
Our Green School Committee is made up of Ms Bradley (Principal), Ms Gregory, Ms Glacken and Ms Lucey (Teachers), Mrs Berrill (SNA), Stephen (Caretaker) and pupil representatives from each class.
At the start of each school year, one pupil from each class is elected onto the committee. The committee meets regularly and they lead the campaign. They spread the Green News to the rest of their classmates.
To date, we have received six Green Flags. The first was for Litter and Waste, the second for saving energy throughout the school, the third for our water saving programme, our fourth for travelling to school in an environmentally friendly way, the fifth for Biodiversity and the sixth for Global Citizenship Litter and Waste. This latest flag has helped us to become better global citizens and keepers of the 17 Global Goals.
We are currently working on the seventh Green Flag, for Global Citizenship Energy. Again this involves a lot of work on the Global Goals and climate change with a focus on the area of energy.
Our ‘Green’ success is not confined to Green Flags, however! At the 2016 GROW Awards run by Louth County Council we won a special award for Biodiversity as a result of the Native Garden Project we worked on throughout the year. We also came away with a 3 Star Award for ' making the most of the environment and for engendering a wonderful sense of enthusiasm and self-sufficiency among the pupils.'
We regularly work with Drogheda Tidy Towns to keep our beautiful town and community clean and tidy. At present, we are beginning a project with the tidy towns group and Louth County Council to create a pollinator friendly garden in our community. This project is part of the Eco Tribes programme.
Credit goes to our hardworking and enthusiastic Green School Committee.
Green School Committee 2020
G2 Zac
G3 Kobi/ Patryk
G5 Tim
R6 Cian/ Dáire
R7 Nathan
R9 David
R11 Luke KC
R12 Tom/Leon
Staff Members
Ms Bradley (Principal)
Ms Gregory
Mrs Berrill (SNA)
Ms Glacken
Ms Lucey
Stephen (Caretaker)