Confirmation Class of 2020

Today, the 22nd May 2020 was to be a special day for all the boys preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Joseph’s, CBS.

However, as we cannot  gather as a faith community yet, Fr. Barry Matthews our chaplain celebrated a special Mass remembering all those who were to take the Sacrament of Confirmation. Ms Bradley, Mr. Mulroy, Ms Lamont and  Mrs Geraldine Conlon (Chairperson of St. Joseph’s Board of Management) represented St. Joseph’s. Also present, Mrs Tiernan-Bell and two teachers from Scoil Oilibhéar Naofa joined us for the Mass.

We remembered you in name and in prayer. We prayed specially for you and your families and that you all continue to keep safe and well during the global pandemic.

Fr. Barry reassured us that Confirmation will be celebrated in the near future.




Posted in St. Joseph's News.