CBS TIMES-Summer 2017

CBS TIMES- SUMMER 2017, Issue 21

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Another school year draws to a close, while at the same time in the winding down process, the year to come is very much to the fore of our minds,

Last week we welcomed our incoming classes from St. Patrick’s as they engaged in the grand tour of their new academic abode to commence August 31st 2017.  It has been heartening to hear from their present Principal, Ms. Harmon, that the predominant impression was one of eager anticipation for the next stage of their educational journey.  We look forward very much to having them for the coming four years of their primary school experience. Fáilte romhaibh go léir a bhuachaillí!

This week sees us bid farewell to our present 6th classes, wishing them the very best for their transfer to second level. Hopefully the transition programmes they engaged with in the past number of weeks allied to the school policy of creating new class formats going forward into 4th and 6th class gives them a confidence in embracing change and challenges ahead. Beir bua a bhuachailli.

St. Joseph’s has had many highlights throughout the school year 2016-2017, with for me, the outstanding ones being the great generosity of the Shoebox Appeal, the upgrading of our school library, and the initiating of the Peter O’Reilly Memorial Cup Soccer Competition with our own boys emerging as the first to claim the honours of victory.

Among other very notable events were the success of our Coffee Morning, our school team being G.A.A. Louth County finalists twice, new Edmund Rice Schools’ Flag raising day, Third Class violin/fiddle recitals , the school Chess team winning the Drogheda Schools Competition,  6th class being awarded the Co. Louth Entrepreneur Workshop Award, 5th Class boys second place in Motor Show Mascot Art Competition and of course 6th class Confirmation Day.

Great appreciation is due to the work and support of our Parent’s Association and the co-operation of teachers, S.N.A.s, Sandra & Stephen and invariably all our pupils. Maith sibh go léir.

The largely unseen work of the Board of Management is of vital importance to the successful operation of our school and sincere gratitude is due in this regard.  Mile Buiochas as ucht dár gcuid oibre.

On behalf of our school community I wish all a great summer holiday.  As usual we remind ourselves that the reading of books is a great way of keeping the doorway to learning open and enjoyable.  Library visits highly recommended!

Slán agus beannacht,

S. de Cleatún (Priomhoide)



On May 3rd, Cardinal Brady celebrated another very successful and enjoyable confirmation in Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Our boys can be very proud of their preparation for this Sacrament and their participation on the day received very favourable comment. The school community worked very well together to ensure that the occasion was memorable and one which the boys will bring with them as they go through life.

Image result for confirmation religion


St.Joseph’s CBS Primary had the official opening of their newly refurbished library today. Local children’s author Erika McGann officially opened the library and then gave a chat to the boys about the joys of reading and how she was inspired to write. Her books range from The Clubhouse Mystery to The Demon Notebook.

The newly redecorated library was fully funded by The Parents’ Association. They organised a number of fund raisers events over the last two years to enable this project. Their support and belief in the school has been invaluable.

The children in St. Joseph’s CBS Primary are thrilled with the library. They love the art work by local artist Noel Kelly and books from authors all over the world in equal measure.

Check out a quick video of our fantastic library-



G5 have enjoyed a super June. There was a sports day, a trip to Dublin Zoo and an ice cream/DVD party for super attendance! We are all set for Rocky Road, pizza and wedges this week in cookery class!

R11 came out the winners against over 900 students from Louth in an entrepreneurial business workshop Art competition. The winning slogan, designed by Daniel Kavanagh, was “In Louth, business makers are risk takers”. The winning poster was designed by Jack Connor Martin. Well done to all who got involved in the workshops and the competition. You can read all about it in The Drogheda Independent and on,link below-

Joe’s boys win LEO’s Primary School Challenge



On May 31st, the inaugural Peter O’Reilly Memorial Cup was held in United Park. It was a 5-a-side soccer tournament, in commemoration of our esteemed colleague, friend and teacher Mr.O’Reilly. Eleven schools participated in this fun and sporting event and at the end of the tournament, ourselves and St.Josephs, Mell met in the final. The final proved to be an enthralling contest with extra time required. Eventually, we emerged as victors! The cup was presented by Peter’s sister, Veronica, who thanked all the participants and organisers of the day’s event, stating it was a very fitting tribute to Peter and his desire to support opportunities for children partaking in sports activities. Read all about it below-

Peter O’Reilly Memorial Tournament 31/5/2017

Here’s a picture of Peter’s sister,Veronica, presenting our captain Samuel Soyemi with our new soccer kit which have POR on the sleeve in memory of Peter.The second picture shows our champions lifting the trophy!! Joe’s Abú!

20170531_135903 20170531_140353



 The Green School Committee have continued to promote and encourage recycling and water and energy conservation throughout the school. We planted some nice colourful flowers in pots to brighten up the entrance to the red school. The shrubs we planted last year are doing really well in our small garden area.

On Friday 24th June, 3rd and 4th class members of the Green School Committee attended the opening of a new rose garden in St. Dominic’s Park. The garden was dedicated to the memory of Princess Grace of Monaco and was opened by her son HSH Prince Albert. The boys spent a lovely afternoon in the park in the presence of royalty!

We would ask everybody to remember to encourage recycling at home over the summer holidays.

green schools summer 2017

Members of the Green School Committee attending the opening of The Princess Grace Rose Garden.



The Parents’ Association would firstly like to wish every success to all the 6th class boys who are leaving St Josephs C.B.S. this year. We also wish to say a very big thank you to some of our members who will be leaving us this year. Their contribution over the years to the Parents’ Association is greatly appreciated. 

A big thank you to you all for your support during this year’s fundraising events, which included our annual Calendar sale, Christmas draw and Easter Coffee Morning. There was great support for each event and thank you for your kind raffle donations during the year.

The funds raised during the year went towards the renovation of the school Library. It’s now a lovely space for the students to enjoy.

Again just one last thank you to the students, Parents, Guardians and staff of St Josephs for your continued support and help which is greatly appreciated and always welcome.

Thank you.

St. Joseph’s C.B.S.  Parents’ Association.




No matter which road you choose,

No matter how long it may seem,

Let your heart be your guide along the way,

If you want to fulfill your dreams.


No matter the detours, road blocks or dark nights,

Continue your hearts desire,

Lift up your torch,

Do not be afraid to set the world on fire.


You are the light of a new day,

Shine for all to see,

Carry your knowledge from this day forward,

Blaze a trail for history.


No one will ever be quite like you,

Remember this important truth,

We all have a purpose in this life,

One that begins in youth.


Who you are now and who you will become,

Is determined by your soul,

With your dreams in your heart to lead the way,

You can conquer any goal!









Image result for school holidays



Posted in St. Joseph's News.