Catholic Schools Week 2022

St. Joseph’s CBS celebrated Catholic Schools Week from Monday 24th January to Friday 28th January.

The theme for this year was: Catholic Schools: Living life to the full.

Everyone has the potential to change the world for the better, making it a kinder, more inclusive and more welcoming place. During the  week, we celebrated the gifts and talents we have in following Jesus’ teaching.

We celebrated how we are called to be communities of faith and resilience, through our thoughts, words and actions. In doing so, we follow the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel: ‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.’

The daily themes for Catholic Schools Week 2022 were:

Monday – Living Life to the full with God

Tuesday_ Living life to the full together

Wednesday- Celebrating being together again (Grandparents Day)

Thursday_ Living life in wonder and awe

Friday- Living life and facing the future

Well done to all our readers throughout the week.

A colouring competition was held. The winning entries are displayed in school. Congratulations to all the winners!

Here are some of the winning entries.

20220202_121244 (4) 20220202_121226 (3)20220202_12123720220202_121156 (2)

Posted in St. Joseph's News.