Our First Class Tie Presentation Cermony

Today we saw the girls and boys in Ms. Carville’s and Mr. Byrne’s first classes recieve their very first school tie!

Each tie contains our traditional school colours and represents the next step on their educational journey.

Each pupil was presented with their tie by our Principal Ms. Bradley.

The ceremony marked another milestone for our first class girls and boys and we hope their tie will serve them well throughout thier time in St Joseph’s!

Photo from Rob Mulroy (1)

Mr. Byrne’s Class (pictured with Ms. Bradley)


Photo from Rob Mulroy

Ms. Carville’s Class

First Confession Ceremony

On Friday our second class pupils celebrated their First Confession. This is a very important step on the way to thier First Communion and we marked the occasion with a beautiful ceremony in our PE Hall. The ceremony was attended by our chaplin Fr. Des, our Principal Ms. Bradley and was presided over by our HSCL Ms. Lamont.

The boys showed great respect and reverence for such an important occasion and performed two beautiful songs.

A big thank you goes to Ms. Gregory and Ms. Maher have done wonderful work in preparing the boys for this occasion and also to Ms. Lamont for organising such a wonderful ceremony.

Finally, a huge thank you goes to the families of our First Confession candidates for their help in preparing the boys for this special occasion.

You can watch the ceremony by clicking on the link below:

Sixth Class Online Assembly

Our 6th classes along with the help of Mr. Tobin and Ms. Carville have spent the last few weeks preparing our Online Assembly. The boys had great fun performing, dancing, interviewing, recording and editing the whole project!! We reported on all the happenings in St. Joseph’s since the beginning of the year including the opening of our first ASD class, GAA month, Maths Week and lots more!

We used green screen technology along with our Ipads to create some fun and interesting scenes.  Our school commuity can view it here on our website.

Well done to all the boys!!



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Re-Opening St. Joseph’s – Important Information for Parents

On behalf of all staff I would like to offer a huge welcome to our new and returning  pupils, parents and guardians for the academic year 2021-22!! We are very excited about the year ahead and we hope you are too.

To insure a safe and orderly return to school life we request that ALL PARENTS AND GUARDIANS read and are familiar the following return to school information:

(Please click on link to access this document.)

Re- opening St Joseph’s Info for Parents – September 2021.docx


Looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday morning!

Le Meas,

Sarah Bradley

Information for Parents of our Incoming Junior Infants

Dear Parents,

We will have an induction morning for junior infants on Tuesday the 31st of August.

You and your child will be given a specific drop off time between 9.00am and 9.45am via text message. You will have the opportunity to meet the teacher and your child will have the chance to meet their classmates and familiarise themselves with the classroom and school buildings.

The children should come dressed in their school tracksuits. They will not require lunch on Tuesday the 31st of August.

You will also be allocated collection times from 10.30am.

From Wednesday the 1st of September until Friday 10th of September junior infants will begin class at 8.40am and finish at 12.00pm. The children will require a light lunch and a drink from Wednesday until their school lunches have been ordered.

On Monday the 13th September the junior infant school day will begin at 8.40am and finish at 1.20pm.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to the St. Joseph’s C.B.S school community.

Le meas,

Sarah Bradley


Back to School Information for Parents

Back to School

Tuesday 31st of August – Induction Day

Junior Infants – 9:00am-10:50am (staggered in smaller groups)

Senior Infants, 1st, 2nd, 4th 5th 6th – 11:00am-12:00pm

3rd class – 10:00am-11:00am


Wednesday 1st September

Junior Infants – 8:40am-12.00pm (Sunday’s Gate)

Senior Infants -8:40am-1:20pm (Sunday’s Gate)

1st and 2nd– 8:50am-2.30pm (Sunday’s Gate – can wait in yard from 8.40am)

3rd and 4th – 8.50am-2.30pm (Sunday’s Gate)

5th and 6th -8.50am-2.30pm (King St- red yard)