First Confession Ceremony

On Friday our second class pupils celebrated their First Confession. This is a very important step on the way to thier First Communion and we marked the occasion with a beautiful ceremony in our PE Hall. The ceremony was attended by our chaplin Fr. Des, our Principal Ms. Bradley and was presided over by our HSCL Ms. Lamont.

The boys showed great respect and reverence for such an important occasion and performed two beautiful songs.

A big thank you goes to Ms. Gregory and Ms. Maher have done wonderful work in preparing the boys for this occasion and also to Ms. Lamont for organising such a wonderful ceremony.

Finally, a huge thank you goes to the families of our First Confession candidates for their help in preparing the boys for this special occasion.

You can watch the ceremony by clicking on the link below:

Story of Firsts: Cave Painting

G5 have been learning all about The Story of Firsts. First inventions and discoveries, the class became particularly interested in early man and their discoveries of things for the first time ever, and how their stories may have been told through cave drawings and paintings that have been discovered all over the world.

Using the pictures from the famous cave paintings in Lascaux in France as inspiration, we decided to recreate our own versions of cave paintings, using charcoal.

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Dealing with teenage anxiety: Talk by Dr. Colman Noctor


Dealing with Teenage Anxiety

Help and Support for Parents from Dr Colman Noctor

St. Oliver’s CC Home, School and Community Liaison Office in conjunction with the Genesis Programme are delighted to host Dr. Colman Noctor in the second of a series of online talks for parents/guardians.

Dr. Noctor will discuss the issue of youth and adolescent anxiety and provide tips for parents and young people in addressing this issue.

Dr. Colman Noctor is a Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist. He has worked across a range of Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services both in Ireland and abroad and has a wealth of national and international clinical experience and expertise.

Date:  Wednesday February 16th 2022

Time: 7.00pm via Zoom


Catholic Schools Week 2022

St. Joseph’s CBS celebrated Catholic Schools Week from Monday 24th January to Friday 28th January.

The theme for this year was: Catholic Schools: Living life to the full.

Everyone has the potential to change the world for the better, making it a kinder, more inclusive and more welcoming place. During the  week, we celebrated the gifts and talents we have in following Jesus’ teaching.

We celebrated how we are called to be communities of faith and resilience, through our thoughts, words and actions. In doing so, we follow the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel: ‘I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.’

The daily themes for Catholic Schools Week 2022 were:

Monday – Living Life to the full with God

Tuesday_ Living life to the full together

Wednesday- Celebrating being together again (Grandparents Day)

Thursday_ Living life in wonder and awe

Friday- Living life and facing the future

Well done to all our readers throughout the week.

A colouring competition was held. The winning entries are displayed in school. Congratulations to all the winners!

Here are some of the winning entries.

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Empowering Learning: Visual Learning for Visual Children

Empowering Learning : Visual Learning for Visual Children

The Empowering Learning programme  has been designed to simply teach the brain effective skills
to overcome the symptoms of learning difficulties. It is a different approach to improving spelling and reading
and it dramatically reduces the challenges of Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, and Dyspraxia.
Children with learning difficulties are highly visual but they cannot control their visual field and are unable to
concentrate. The simple skills taught in this programme will allow you to work with children to:
• Become fluent at reading and spelling through developing the skill to ‘see’ words in their minds eye –
a skill all good readers and spellers have.
• Improve concentration and motor skills through learning to stabilise their visual memory.
• Become confident that they have the ability to spell.
• Empowering Learning teaches children how to use their visual skills to learn.
• Will show you how children learn visually
• Focuses on what the child can do rather than what they can’t do.
• Shows each child how to get into the best emotional state to learn
• Helps parents and teachers build the child’s confidence.





• Parents and teachers will have the techniques to work with children who have learning difficulties
which will vastly improve their spelling and literacy.
• Classroom behaviour will improve and frustration will abate.
• You will have an understanding of how to support children’s learning needs.
This one day course will take place from 10am-2pm. It is recommended that there is a parent or teacher in
attendance with each child one child as the majority of the course is based on the practical application of the
Empowering Learing techniques.
The skills and techniques work in any language and the improvement in the children’s spelling will
be apparent by the end of the day.



Dundalk 26th March @10am -3pm Imperial Hotel

Drogheda 23rd April @10am-3pm Barbican Centre

Ages 7-12

1 parent to attend with the child on the day, it’s fun and interactive and it really works.

For further information please contact Jennifer

Jennifer Lally

Youth Education Support Officer

087 438 5639


Incredible Years Parent and Baby Programme

Incredible Years Parent and Baby Programme for Parents and Babies’ 0 – 1 year olds

Beginning March 2022 (Dundalk area of Co Louth)

For more information contact: Annemarie Ó Murchú First3Years Initiative Development Officer The Genesis Programme on 087 2403847

or by email