New Statue of St. Joseph

The priests of our parish kindly donated to St. Joseph’s CBS a statue of St. Joseph for the school. The statue was in the garden of St. Peter’s Presbytery. It was  put in place on Thursday 25th November 2021 and now takes pride of place at the front of St. Joseph’s C.B.S.

In attendance to oversee the installation of the statue were:

Canon Eugene Sweeney P.P.

Fr. Desmond Branigan CC (chaplain)

Ms Bradley (Principal)

Ms Lamont (HSCL)

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Minding Me, Minding You: Parent Class

Minding Me, Minding You


As a response to the launch of our 16 day campaign: Violence Against Women,  we are running a care workshop for women experiencing Domestic Violence or supporting women in an abusive relationship.

Date: 7th December 2021

Time: 7pm to 9pm

Location: Via Zoom


This is an invitation only event for women living or working in the Drogheda  area.

If interested please contact Noirin Coghlan to register by email: