Free online transition program for 6th Class students

Prepare your Child for Secondary School
Dear Parent, on behalf of Adult Learning Service, LMETB and in conjunction with St. Joseph’s Primary School,  I am delighted to invite you to join free online ‘Prepare your Child for Secondary School’ programme. Programme will consist of two zoom workshops and will start on 4th June. As part of the programme, you will also receive a free workbook – Transition form Primary to Post Primary.   If you are interested, please apply at  by Thursday 28th May. if you experience any problems with registration please text  0860132244 or email so that we can assist you .
Kind Regards, Kinga Byrne, Adult Learning Service, LMETB. 

STEM Week – Galileo’s Gallery

Maksims Parachute - R6

Maksims Parachute – R6





Keane's Spinning Toy - R9

Keane’s Spinning Toy – R9

Luka's Density Diver- R9

Luka’s Density Diver- R9

Keane's Wind Turbine - R9

Keane’s Wind Turbine – R9

Tom's Balloon Car- R12

Tom’s Balloon Car- R12

Ayyan G5  – Parachute

Emmanuel- Diver                   Emmanuel- Parachute                                 Matej - Diver                        Rayan- Wind Turbine

Emmanuel G5 – Diver     Emmanuel G5 – Parachute                          Matej G5 – Diver                    Rayan G5 – Wind Turbine

Here are just some of the amazing experiments that our boys have carried out already!


STEM Week Experiments

This week is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Week. There are five fantastic experiments to try at home. A huge thank you to Ms. Dillane and Michelle from STEM Educational for providing us with these fantastic experiments! For more amazing STEM fun check out Michelle on

Here are the experiments. Try as many as you like, and don’t forget to send your pictures to your teacher!

Density Diver Lab

Parachute Lab (1)

Design and make a model Wind Turbine (1)

Desing and Make a Spinning Toy (1)

Balloon_Car_Lesson (1)

G2 – The Great Joey’s Bake Off

G2s Favourite Things About Quarantine

The Great Joeys Bake Off – Showstopper Friday

Friday was Showstopper day! Here are some of the wonderful cretions from our boys and teachers!!