Morning Wake Up Challenge!!

Music is a wonderful way to start the day!
Your challenge is to listen to the song and move/ dance for it’s entire duration.
This is great for your physical and mental health and will start your day in a positive way!!! Try an get as many people at home involved or just do it by yourself!!
A new song will be posted every day!
Good Luck!!

Zoom Tuesday Homework

D574D214-8C13-434C-9BD4-3106CD73DE44 E63A3428-8999-4B06-9658-CF24B486AF77 EB4FA864-2FAE-4598-A132-23E7C9B5C7A0


Read the Gaeilge comhrá with somebody at home, get the family involved.

Do the suffix activity on the English sheet and complete B on the Maths sheet.

Continue with the animal report mentioned on yesterday’s homework. That should be sent to Mr Keane or Ms Gregory by email before Friday.

Thanks boys!


5th Class homework

Hi boys, here are today’s worksheets for anybody who is finding it hard to access Folensonline or who maybe missed this morning’s Zoom class.

C546CC0B-761A-4D16-966B-6E888181205F B35E0C16-9EA9-4520-B04A-FD29A202B43E F9204476-C6E9-4E19-AC83-00965E4E02D5 A103C5EA-329B-4319-83B2-4F0A18C669E3 66F1B8E6-C9DB-4216-8F60-86C4D75C1B56



And don’t forget your project for Friday on your choice of animal


Have fun and keep well!

Wake Up Challenge!!

Music is a wonderful way to start the day!
Your challenge is to listen to the song and move/ dance for it’s entire duration.
This is great for your physical and mental health and will start your day in a positive way!!! Try an get as many people at home involved or just do it by yourself!!
A new song will be posted every day!
Good Luck!!

Weekly Timetable

Week 1 – 30th March – 3rd of April


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
English – Better English English – Novel Work English – Reading Zoom English – Novel Work English
Maths –


Maths – 

Fractions, Decimals, Percentages

Maths – Fractions, Decimals, Percentages Maths – Fractions, Decimals, Percentages Maths – Fractions, Decimals, Percentages
Gaeilge – 

Am Don Leamh

Gaeilge – Grammer Gaeilge –  Gaeilge Gaeilge
P.E. – Joe Wicks Workout P.E.  P.E. P.E. P.E.
History – Irish Culture Geography Science Music Art


All daily tasks are to be accessed on Google Classroom.

Google Classroom for Sixth Class!!




All 6th class pupils will begin working on Google Classroom from Monday 30th March. We are really looking forward to connecting with our pupils again and continuing to support their learning through this difficult time.

We would ask that all pupils be signed up and logged on by Sunday 29th March. 

Instructional videos have been provided to assist you in logging onto Google Classroom.


If you are experiencing any difficulties you can contact your son’s teacher via email and we will respond as soon as possible!










We are looking forward to seeing you all online on Monday!


Many thanks,


S Hughes, S Maher, C Byrne, R Mulroy



Google Classroom Login on PC/ Laptop


Google Classroom Login for Tablet/ Phone

Zoom homework

The Maths sheet is the same as yesterday.

D058E37D-FCAC-4FF9-8681-1F0F83872746 03730C7C-346F-454F-A1D5-76DA1991472F

This is a nice poem you could read for parents or younger siblings


Make sure you are getting lots of fresh air while the weather is good!


Zoom homework

Today’s worksheets

B8DC490A-D87E-4FA5-881A-76348A3ECF81 89EEE54E-3428-47CF-9AF9-3357CF670E60 A2D39564-2635-4D2F-BDD3-A277D69AA751


The link mentioned about the audio books is:

It is for all ages and is free for as long as the schools are closed.

GAA Heroes Colouring Book

Use this link to find a GAA colouring book that you can print off.

This will keep you and even your parents busy.

Copy and paste the link into the search bar.