R6 researched and completed projects on the 17 Global Goals.
They are now ‘Global Goalkeepers’ who are more educated on climate change and improving our world for the better.
Today, Friday 31st January we had our first whole school assembly.
Ms Bradley and Mr Mulroy began our assembly with congratulating and giving out medals to the boys who were runner ups in the Louth Primary eleven-a-side Soccer Tournament. Well done boys! A fantastic achievement
Ms Bradley announced the winners of the January 2020 Attendance Drive. In joint first place are R2 and R3, and in second place R12.
Well done to all the boys who made such an amazing effort to be in school every for the month of January. Keep it up as we will run another attendance competition very soon.
As we were celebrating Catholic Schools Week boys from R12 performed a drama based on the parable of the Good Samaritan with a modern twist.
The drama was a reminder to us all to be kind to one another. The theme for the last day of Catholic Schools Week was Living in Harmony with one another.
Boys from 6th Class led us in the final prayers for Catholic Schools Week 2020.
Our assembly finished with the exciting news that Wogan Build Centre are sponsoring the Drogheda St. Patrick’s Day parade 2020. A very big Thank You to Wogan’s!
Today at St. Joseph’s we celebrated National Grandparents Day by inviting Senior Infant’s grandparents to their classroom.
The children sang the song ‘True Colours’, followed by ‘Teidí ag Marcaíocht and finished by reading a poem about the months of the year. Well done!
A big thank you to a great turn out of grandparents on a cold January morning.
We are also celebrating Catholic Schools Week and during our prayers we thanked God for the gift of our grandparents asked God to take special care of them too.
The theme for Aistear this month was the Post Office. Might we have some future postmen in out midst…
In the construction area we have a house for the postmaster and a police car to protect against the theft of important letters..
Airmail transport and a pickup for broken down vans…
A very modern post office
Over in the socio-dramatic area the postmen and post masters were very busy delivering letters and helping customers with very important forms….
In in small world things were just as busy…
In the writing station we were very busy writing postcards to bring to the post office to post.
Dylan Kelly from R7 has brilliantly brought to our attention the effects of climate change on our planet through his artwork. Dylan has depicted how our planet will look (on the left hand side) if we do not change the way we are living. He conveys a sense of urgency is needed by all in saving our beautiful planet from further destruction by simply saying’Sorry 2030′. A very powerful and thoughtful message to us all………
On Friday 18th October the Flying Start website was launched by Professor Emer Smyth (ESRI) at Ardee library.
Flying Start is a website for parents which brings together information on the different stages or transitions that happen in the first five years of your child’s life. The website offers practical advice and tips for parents and their children as they begin preschool and primary school.The website provides information and support for the three transition stages:
1. The transition to parenthood
2. the transition to Early Learning and Care
3. The transition to Primary school
A representative of Louth County Libraries spoke of the recommended list of books available for parents to read as their child progresses through their early education.
Starting School by Roderick Hunt and Annemarie Young
Going to School by Grace Jones
Starting School by Janet and Allan Ahberg
Do I have to go to School? by Pat Thomas
Going to School: Usborne First Experiences by Anne Civardi
Owl Babies by Martin Waddell
Tony Goes to School by Valarie Sheehan
All of these books are available at Drogheda Library, Stockwell Lane.
Enrolment for our junior infant classes (girls and boys) beginning this September is currently underway. Please click on the link below to access the Enrolment Form.
Please click on the link below to access our updated Anti Bullying Policy which was ratified at a recent Board of Management meeting.