Walking Tour of Drogheda

R6 went on a walking tour of Drogheda on 21st September. The tour was led by local historian Liam Reilly. We started off at the Tholsel, then went to St Laurence’s Gate, St Peter’s Church of Ireland graveyard and finished with St Oliver Plunkett’s head in St Peter’s Church, West Street. The sun was shining and a great day was had.

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Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to all the children for an exciting new school year in 4th Class.

G4 are looking forward to a fun year and opportunities to develop and learn new skills and talents. IMG_5065 IMG_5064 (1) IMG_5066 IMG_4934 IMG_4936 (1) IMG_5073 IMG_5041IMG_5073

Lourdes Brass Band

The third classes were lucky to get a mini concert from the Lourdes Brass Band last Friday. They learned about the instruments they play and the different sounds they make. Some boys were picked to try them out. Even the teachers gave it a go! 🙂

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