G5’s Science Fair

G5 recently held a Science fair where parents, students and teachers were able to come to our classroom and see our science experiments. We had to choose a science experiment to carry out both at home and in school. We chose lots of different topics like  tornadoes, quicksand, volcanoes and floating eggs! We had a fantastic time. We hope you enjoy our photos of the day.

Visit to Droichead Arts Centre

On the 2nd of February, all 6th classes attended the Droichead Arts Centre to see the play ‘Mollser’. The play is set in 1916 in a tenement in Dublin City. The play is based on the character of Mollser Grogan who describes what it is like to live in a tenement in Dublin during the 1916 rising. Mollser describes the poverty, dirt and disease that existed in the tenements. At 15 years of age Mollser died of T.B. (tuberculosis). The play is educational and very relavent as we will be celebrating the centenary of the 1916 Easter rising this year.

R10’s Google Classroom!

The teacher and the boys from R10 have set up a Google Classroom account, and its awesome! On Google Classroom your whole classroom can connect to one classroom on the web, and the teacher can make a post about the subject that today we have to do in school or at home, which is really helpful. For an example, the teacher can make a post about today’s homework, if someone forgot. When we just made the Google classroom, everybody was making their first posts and comments. It’s a very good idea for a class, so if you are a students reading this you might want to suggest to your teacher that even your class might do it. It’s very helpful and very good.


P.E In R7

On Wednesday the 3rd of February R7 and its students went to do Olympic handball in the P.E hall. We made teams of three and winners stay on while the other teams are trying to beat them.

Photos in R7

Yesterday on the 4th of February after the cyber bullying talk we went down to take photos with an expert. Everybody went one by one and if you had a brother in the school you had to take a picture together.

Irish Coast Guard Visit St Joseph’s

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The Irish coast guard gave our class tips on how to be safer around and in water. They explained what they do when there is an emergency in the water and showed us what equipment they use and how to use it. Mr Hughes and Adam from R7 were chosen to try on some equipment.